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Рецензија корисника Тхе Скинни Фоод Цо: ЕП 28 Карина

Тхе Скинни Фоод Цо рецензија купаца: ЕП 28 Карина - тхескиннифоодцо
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The Skinny Food Co Customer Review: EP EP 28 Karina

Karina, 23 from South Yorkshire, was diagnosed at 9 yrs old with Narcolepsy. Karina shares how The Skinny Food Co low carb products have helped with her condition.

Meet Karina

My name is Karina and for a living I work in administration for a training provider within the South Yorkshire area. I was diagnosed at 9 yrs old with Narcolepsy but struggled a lot before I was 9 in school with falling asleep all the time. Meds was always meant to help me live with the condition, but I always felt drowsy and fatigue and sluggish all the time which is horrible - and that was even eating healthy. The older I got the more I struggled as I was more independent when it came to amount of food I ate.

What fitness and lifestyle regimes have helped?

Now we are in 2022 and I have been on my same lifestyle diet for 2 and a half years. The reason I started this low-carb diet was because back in 2020 when we first went into lockdown, I had to have a blood test which showed my cholesterol was very very high. So, I reduced my carb intake including bread, butter, and biscuits.
After reducing my carb intake I realised a few weeks in how better I felt in myself and how awake I felt every day. So, I agreed to stick on this path with my makeshift diet and further researched into my narcolepsy for reasons why carbs may make me tired, and it is a common thing narcoleptic’s feels tired because of.
Unfortunately, there's not enough 'Diet and Narcolepsy' research out there, for so I had to do it all my own.
The disadvantage of having Narcolepsy is that the Orexin gene (that all us humans have) in Narcoleptics is deficient, which means the orexin system is particularly important for maintaining wakefulness in each person.
However, orexin neurons are “multi-tasking” neurons as well which regulate sleep/wake states as well as feeding behaviour, emotion, and reward processes - because Narcoleptics lack Orexin the hunger feelings means when we are tired more. We want to eat more and can mistake tiredness for hunger.
I battle with this every day and sometimes I will eat through my tiredness but try most days to not to. Low carb diets are known to also trigger your sweet tooth, so finding something sweet low in carbs that was still healthy for you was very difficult.

Why did you chose The Skinny Food Co Products?

I found The Skinny Food Co when I was researching low carb products. When I came across your low sugar and low carb Chocaholic Spreads, it was like Christmas came early.
I later found out about your other low carb sweet foods and became more in love with the products. I used to be that child and still am who likes to eat the spread by the spoon!
So, I do one day no carbs at all and the day after I can have carbs but a maximum of 60g of carbs, and this would be with my dinner on a night.
This diet helps control my weight and keeps me healthy.
The Skinny Food Co products have changed my life, they have created so much ease in my life! Without them, I would have to spend so much time and money on baking low carb and low sugar foods to cater to my Narcolepsy.

Шта је са нашим производима које волите?

What I love about The Skinny Food Co products is that they are low carb and low in sugar too. Consuming high carb and high sugar foods alongside my narcolepsy has a slight side affect, so I like to keep my sugar foods low.
I recently tried the Flavour Shots and Barista Coffee Shots which I add to my decaf coffee -  as I can only have decaf coffee again due to my narcolepsy.
I have also recently tried in the last couple of months the very low carb noodles which I love, and means I can still enjoy my pasta with bolognaise and noodles. 

Који је ваш омиљени производ?

To date my favourite products have to be the different flavours of Chocolate Spread! The ones I have tried so far is the Hazelnut, Unicorn, Salted Caramel and Hazelnut Milky (which tastes just like Kinder Bueno).
I enjoy the spreads by the spoon or occasionally on a rice cake.

Шта бисте рекли другима који доживе исто стање?

I would say to anyone with Narcolepsy to get all their sweet cravings from The Skinny Food Co because you will not be disappointed.
Anyone can recommend people to a company, but I have been living with Narcolepsy all my life but have only known about it since I was 9, and I am now 23.
The last 2 years in particular have been a game changer since discovering The Skinny Food Co. All my sweet cravings can be easily managed and handled when I have The Skinny Food Co low carb and low sugar products.


 Shop the Skinny Food Co Low Carb and Low Sugar products today!





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