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Рецензије и искуства купаца

Рецензија купаца компаније Скинни Фоод Цо: ЕП 37 Зое М

Тхе Скинни Фоод Цо рецензија купаца: ЕП 37 Зое М - тхескиннифоодцо
Ове приче одражавају индивидуална искуства купаца и ставови изражени у рецензијама нису ставови компаније.

Meet Zoe

My weight issues began when I was just nine years old, after my mum and dad split up. I used to eat lots of sugary foods to make me feel better such as cakes, biscuits and chocolate. Of course the sugar high didn’t last long and I went round it circles. As my weight piled on it was soon noticed at school and I was bullied verbally and physically during the senior school years. I was spat on, called awful names - one being Big Mac as my maiden name was McGregor. It was so bad that I couldn’t even eat my lunch without being teased so I used to hide in the toilets and eat in there. I really was at rock bottom. I ate to make myself feel better, then cried afterwards because I felt even worse. I was spiralling out of control and hated myself. 

I learned to eat healthy, I had so much support in group to help change my eating habits and create new ones and most importantly to me - lose weight. I went on to lose 4 stone and my life dramatically improved. I had a whole new found confidence, a new wardrobe and a new man.


Зашто сте изабрали да користите производе компаније Скинни Фоод Цо?

I use Instagram a lot (@swgoldenzoe) and saw others using this Нови производ. I love trying new foods and when I found out about the Skinny Food Co I was straight in the shop buying everything. I have such a sweet tooth and it’s amazing that these products incorporate my favourite food likes but with less sugar and also much healthier.

Zoe M - Slimming World

Који су ваши омиљени производи компаније Скинни Фоод Цо?

I LOVE the white чоколадни намаз, I love dipping strawberries in them and either eating them straight away or popping them I the fridge for a cool snack. I also love to make healthy oat, палачинке or waffles for breakfast and love drizzling the слани карамел сируп over them. It’s a perfect treat to start the day (sometimes I might even pop some of the syrup in my coffee).

Another thing I love is the snack pot - I think I’m following a theme here but anything sweet and chocolatey that’s low in sugar and calories - gets my vote every time.

Како вам је сурадник с мршавом храном помогао да постигнете своје циљеве?

With a young family I wanted to be able to teach them to eat healthy so they don’t ever have the same issues I had with food so it’s great that we can still enjoy things together as a family - in particular the skinny cookies. We do lots of baking and these are great for the kids to make and enjoy. Also as I mentioned before having a real sweet tooth I’ve been able to not deprive myself of things which is so important when wanting to lose weight and stay healthy forever. When we deprive ourselves it only makes us want it even more.

Шта бисте поручили другима који желе да остваре своје циљеве?

My key advice when losing weight is to enjoy a wide variety of foods and everything in moderation. Also having support along the way is vital in keeping you motivated - find a group of people who believe in you and you’ll get there.



Можда ће ти се свидети
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Рецензија корисника Тхе Скинни Фоод Цо: ЕП 71 Дан
Дан је 40-годишњи лични тренер из Глостера. Пре 6 година започео је своју невероватну трансформацију губљења 12 камена. Дан нам се придружио у компанији Скинни Фоод Цо како би поделио своје путовање о томе како се обновио и постао човек и отац какав је одувек желео да буде.
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Рецензија корисника Тхе Скинни Фоод Цо: ЕП 70 Даррен

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