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Рецензије и искуства купаца

Рецензија купаца компаније Скинни Фоод Цо: ЕП 22 Зое Ф

Рецензија купаца Тхе Скинни Фоод Цо: ЕП 22 Зое Ф - тхескиннифоодцо
Ове приче одражавају индивидуална искуства купаца и ставови изражени у рецензијама нису ставови компаније.

Рецензија купаца компаније Скинни Фоод Цо: ЕП 22 Зое Ф

Zoe, 32 from Essex, started her healthy journey back in 2020. With help from weight-loss programme and The Skinny Food Co products.

Упознај Зое

Hi! I am Zoe Fitzgerald, 32 from Romford in Essex. I work for the local government as a Process and Debt Recovery Officer.

It started back in Feb 2020 when I had a routine blood test from my GP, to my horror it showed I was borderline diabetic with a high BP, this was down to my weight.

At the age of 31 I was 15 stone and I knew this was something I could not ignore! My health was deteriorating and I knew if I carried on with the lifestyle I had, I would end up poorly!

So lockdown hit us in March 2020 and I was eating unhealthy foods and I couldn’t get my head around being on a diet! Until 7th May 2020 something hit me, my mind turned into panic mode and I knew today was going to be the day I changed my life!

I joined an online weight-loss programme, started to cook myself homemade meals, cut the takeaways and I got moving.

Walking was the only thing I could do at the time due to lockdown, however Boris then announced bike shops were open, this was my time to shine! I brought a bike! Something I had not done since I was a child. I was cycling miles and miles every day and that is when the weight was falling off.

I lost weight each week and it was really pushing me and giving me that will power I needed!

Брзо напред до 30th November 2021 and I was awarded my five stone loss! It was the biggest shock, I became very emotional to realise how far I had come, the biggest achievement was my diabetic levels reduced, and my High BP was stable! I had done it!

I had pretty much saved my life by losing that unwanted unhealthy weight. I am now a very healthy 10 stone size 10 happy woman! 

Који режими су вам помогли на вашем путу?

Joining the weight-loss programme  has been my life saver, however, after knowing what I was doing, I noticed that The Skinny Food Co products were really low points during the programme so I started to introduce these within my diet and what a game changer this was!



Зашто сте изабрали Скинни Фоод Цо Продуцтс

I chose The Skinny Food products because although there are sweet treats, they are not unhealthy treats.

They are diet friendly and it is exciting to see so much different products I could use within my daily point allowance.

Како су вам помогли?

With The Skinny Food Co, I can still have that tasty treat without limiting my options! In addition, finding alternative foods/sauces etc, rather having ones that are full of fat and sugar.

Шта је са нашим производима које волите?

I love how they taste!

In addition, they do not make you think you’re on a diet eating no sugar products as some no sugar products out there can taste bland and then you get bored. I will never be bored of The Skinny Food Co products!

Који је ваш омиљени производ?

I absolutely love all the syrups. I have loads in my cupboard as I have these drizzled on my Greek yoghurt with fruit and also in my pancakes.

What would you say to others who wish to start a healthy lifestyle?

It takes a lot of will power to start to lose weight, but you have to remind yourself, if this is something, you really want then you will achieve the results. Lots of water, lots of planning food and just keep your mind set strong!

Shop The Skinny Food Co Products Today!

 Одрицање од одговорности за приче о успеху


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