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Рецензија купаца Тхе Скинни Фоод Цо: ЕП 23 Тим

Тхе Скинни Фоод Цо Рецензија купаца: ЕП 23 Тим - тхескиннифоодцо
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Рецензија купаца Тхе Скинни Фоод Цо: ЕП 23 Тим

Tim, teacher and online coach from Lincolnshire, competes in amateur bodybuilding representing the UK. Here, Tim shares how The Skinny Food Co have helped to support him along his journey. 

Meet Tim

I'm a teacher in adult education and online coach, I live in Stamford Lincolnshire.

I compete in amateur bodybuilding and have done 3 shows over the last couple of years, most recent in Holland representing team UK and won overall competition as well as my category.

I am an amateur bodybuilder and use The Skinny Food Co products throughout the year whether on prep or during off season. I'm currently looking to continue compete in the future and hopefully win more shows.

After lockdown I had got myself into a bad position health and fitness wise and needed to get back on track ASAP.

Који режими су вам помогли на вашем путу?

I train 5-6 times a week incorporating mainly weight training with a bit of cardio through prep. Walking has massively helped this year hitting 15k of steps most days - I've had diet plans created for me to follow so I could hit my targets.


Why you chose Skinny Food Co Products

The Skinny Food Co Sauces and Syrups have made it possible to have sweet stuff without the calories!

I chose The Skinny Food Co was recommended to me by a friend, and I have truly haven’t been disappointed in the slightest. I have chosen mainly the sauces and syrups however I'm looking forward to trying the Skinny Bar and other ranges.

Како су вам помогли?

The Skinny Food Co products have kept flavour in my food and coffee, which have helped me avoid dull and flavourless meals and drinks!

They've also helped with my fitness regime and goals.

Шта је са нашим производима које волите?

I love the fact they are low / zero calorie and that they actually taste as described. Some low calorie stuff really doesn’t taste like what they advertising, whereas Skinny Food is spot on.

Који је ваш омиљени производ?

Currently favourite product is Barista French Vanilla Coffee Syrup, I add it to my black coffee and tastes amazing.


I’ve been using your products for coming up to a couple of years now and I love them!


Купите асортиман Скинни Фоод Цо већ данас!


Можда ће ти се свидети
Рецензија купаца Тхе Скинни Фоод Цо: ЕП 71 Дан - тхескиннифоодцо
Рецензија корисника Тхе Скинни Фоод Цо: ЕП 71 Дан
Дан је 40-годишњи лични тренер из Глостера. Пре 6 година започео је своју невероватну трансформацију губљења 12 камена. Дан нам се придружио у компанији Скинни Фоод Цо како би поделио своје путовање о томе како се обновио и постао човек и отац какав је одувек желео да буде.
Рецензија купаца Тхе Скинни Фоод Цо: ЕП 70 Даррен - тхескиннифоодцо
Рецензија корисника Тхе Скинни Фоод Цо: ЕП 70 Даррен

Дарен је започео свој пут губитка тежине пре око 5 година и достигао скоро 20 година када је његова тежина почела да утиче на њега, не само физички већ и ментално.


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