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Рецензије и искуства купаца

Рецензија корисника Тһе Скинни Фоод Цо: ЕП 7 Цһристина

Рецензија корисника Тһе Скинни Фоод Цо: ЕП 7 Цһристина - тһескиннифоодцо
Ове приче одражавају индивидуална искуства купаца и ставови изражени у рецензијама нису ставови компаније.

Рецензија купаца компаније Скинни Фоод Цо: ЕП 7 Christina

 24 year old Christina is a self-proclaimed foodie, and we're no strangers to her amazing meals she posts on her social media! Working from home throughout the pandemic has given her more time to truly focus on her fitness journey and the outcomes are amazing! With no specific goal in mind, Christina started a calorie deficit diet. By learning what she could achieve herself, Christina managed to lose 14kg in weight, but also put on muscle! Reaching several fitness milestones, from lifting 100kg to doing 30 push ups in a row, Christina has achieved so much, and all with the help of using our products in her food, and the photos are amazing! 

weight progression christina

'I still have a few goals in mind, but I am really just excited to just see what my body and mind are capable of achieving by this time next year!'

pancakes with our sweet syrup

What made you chose Skinny Food Co products? 

I saw Skinny Food Co on Facebook and had heard about them through friends and I wanted to give them ago, they really stood out as a healthier alternative to the sauces and syrups I love. If it saved me calories it was a win win!

south west sauce with crispy chicken

How have they helped you?

These products have been a game changer, I absolutely love their sauces, syrups and snacks. They are low calories, tasty and do not lack in flavour. I haven't been disappointed with any purchase yet!

Шта је са нашим производима које волите? 
Not only are they low calorie, but you wouldn't even know it, even if I wasn't in a calorie deficit, I would still buy from them, there's no use of palm oil and the company is such a wonderful team and they are all super helpful and provide the greatest service. The taste of these products are amazing, they are addictive and completely guilt free!

honey bbq chicken wraps

Would you recommend us? 
I have already recommended these products to all my family and friends and they all love them! Even if you aren't looking to lose weight, I would highly recommend these products, they are a reasonable price (there's always a newsletter I get with amazing offers, which helps me get a variety of things each time, I'm always trying new products I never would have thought to use!)

weight loss between one year of work

Your favourite product 
I have SO many favourites it's hard to choose just one! I would have to say, I love the Буттерсцотцх Сируп on my pancakes of a morning, or porridge! As well as the Хонеи ББК with my burgers and Burritos. I am also a huge fan of their Мршаве шоље за путер од кикирикија - I have had both White and Milk and they are divine!! Their Пекмез од јагода is a staple in my diet as it's so low calorie and makes a great topper on toast or rice cakes, especially before a workout! The Pizza base and Факеаваи products make Saturday nights fun, being able to make a homemade pizza with my partner is such fun and it's under half the calories of a Dominos, and tastes just as good! Perfect date night!



 If like Christina, you have a story you would like to share please get in touch with us! 



Можда ће ти се свидети
Рецензија купаца Тхе Скинни Фоод Цо: ЕП 71 Дан - тхескиннифоодцо
Рецензија корисника Тхе Скинни Фоод Цо: ЕП 71 Дан
Дан је 40-годишњи лични тренер из Глостера. Пре 6 година започео је своју невероватну трансформацију губљења 12 камена. Дан нам се придружио у компанији Скинни Фоод Цо како би поделио своје путовање о томе како се обновио и постао човек и отац какав је одувек желео да буде.
Рецензија купаца Тхе Скинни Фоод Цо: ЕП 70 Даррен - тхескиннифоодцо
Рецензија корисника Тхе Скинни Фоод Цо: ЕП 70 Даррен

Дарен је започео свој пут губитка тежине пре око 5 година и достигао скоро 20 година када је његова тежина почела да утиче на њега, не само физички већ и ментално.


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